

[日期:2014-03-03] 来源:云南人事考试网



Senior Scientist, Management of Agrobiodiversity in Humid Tropic System(湿热带生态系统农业生物多样性管理高级科学家)

Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences (YAAS), directly under the provincial government, was established in 1976 and financed by the government. Its predecessor is Yunnan Agricultural Sciences Research Institute, which was established in 1958 on the basis of the Southwest Institute of Agriculture and the Yunnan Agricultural Experiment Station. Being a multidisciplinary and comprehensive agricultural research institution, YAAS undertakes responsibilities of regional agricultural development goals of the nation, and overall, key, strategic research tasks of the province. Since its establishment, YAAS has made significant contributions to the sustainable development of agriculture and rural economy in Yunnan province. (云南省农业科学院是省政府直属全额拨款的事业单位,组建于1976年,其前身为1958年在西南农科所和云南农业试验站基础上建立的云南省农业科学研究所,是云南省省政府直接领导下的多学科、综合性农业科学研究机构,承担着国家农业区域性发展目标和省全局性、关键性、战略性重大农业科技问题的研究任务,是云南省的农业科研中心。建院30多年来,为云南农业和农村经济的可持续发展做出了重要贡献)

Bioversity International is a research-for-development organization working with partners worldwide to use and conserve agricultural and tree biodiversity for improved livelihoods, nutrition, sustainability and productive and resilient ecosystems. Bioversity International is a member of the CGIAR Consortium, a global research partnership for a food secure future. Bioversity International has more than 300 staff and scientists’ worldwide working with almost 700 partners. (国际生物多样性中心是一个研究与发展机构,与全世界合作伙伴一起,利用和保护农业和森林生物多样性,改善生计、营养和可持续性及丰产和有弹性的生态系统。国际生物多样性中心是国际农业磋商组织(CGIAR)联合体的成员,CGIAR是未来粮食安全的全球研究合作伙伴。国际生物多样性中心拥有300多名工作人员,在全球有700多个合作单位)

Purpose of Role (目的和作用)

As a member of the Agrobiodiversity and Ecosystem Service Programme, the incumbent will conduct research on use of agrobiodiversity in Humid Tropic System under the supervision of the East Asia Coordinator and the Focal Point of CRP1.2 – Humidtropics, Bioversity. The position will be based in Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences (YAAS), Kunming, China and managed by Biotechnology&Genetic Germplasm Institute,YAAS and Bioversity’s Sub-regional Office for East Asia, Beijing.(本职位是农业生物多样性与生态系统项目组成员,在东亚协调员和湿热带研究项目CRP1.2协调员的指导下,将开展湿热带农业生物多样性的利用研究。该职位将设在云南省昆明市云南农业科学院,归属云南省农业科学院生物技术与种质资源研究所和国际生物多样性中心东亚办事处管理)

The appointee will have the following responsibilities (本职位具有下列职责):

·  Develop and lead primary research on the use of agrobiodiversity in humid tropic system with focus on the Mekong region, including Guangxi and Yunnan, China (发展和领导湿热带系统的农业生物多样性的利用研究,并把重点放在湄公河流域包括中国的广西和云南);

·  Identify and adopt practical options mainstreaming biodiversity into the agroecological intensification by integrating diversity, productivity and marketing components in farming system, particularly banana-based production system in the Mekong region (寻找和采用能够使生物多样性在农业生态布局中主流化的实践方法,把多样性、产量和市场结合到生产系统中,特别是湄公河流域的基于香蕉的生产系统);

·  Develop methodologies and institutional innovations for participatory assessment and management of agrobiodiversity for agroecological intensification and sustainable livelihoods (研发农业生物多样性参与性评价和管理的方法和制度创新,以促进农业生态布局和可持续生计);

·  Contribute to the assessment of research needs in management of agrobiodiversity in humid tropic system and develop project proposal in collaboration with partners, including other CGIAR centers, in the Mekong region (评估湿热带农业生物多样性管理方面的研究需求,与合作伙伴共同撰写项目建议报告,包括CGIAR和湄公河流域国家的合作伙伴);

·  Build partnerships on the conservation and use of agricultural biodiversity with scientists, practitioners and other stakeholders including CGIAR centers, and NGOs in the Mekong region (在湄公河流域,与农业生物多样性保护和利用的科学家、推广人员和其他相关机构包括CGIAR有关中心和非政府组织等,建立广泛的合作关系);

·  Identify and lead the develop new funding opportunities including developing proposals and concept notes for the generation of financial and human resources to support the research agenda (寻找和主导新的资助机会,包括提出项目想法和撰写项目建议报告,以获取资金和人员方面的资助,支持相应的研究计划);

·  Develop scientific outputs on management of agricultural biodiversity in agroecological intensification, including the development of guidelines, publications in scientific journals(出产农业生物多样性管理方面的成果,包括制定指南、发表文章);

· Contribute to other organizational and programmatic activities as and when required(完成单位和项目组交办的其他任务)。


Qualifications and competencies(招聘条件):

Essential qualifications & competencies(必备条件):

PhD in Agroecology, Agroecosystem Science, Crop Breeding and Genetics, or Agronomy(具有农业生态学、生态系统科学、作物遗传育种或农学博士学位);

Strong statistical knowledge and experience in studies and analyses of household survey data(具有很强的研究和分析农户调查方面的统计学知识和经验);

At least 10 years of experience in research on agroecological systems, agricultural development, and/or cropping systems(具有至少10年从事农业生态系统、农业开发或种植系统方面的经历);

A record of scientific achievement in the implementation of research projects and a demonstrated publications record in relevant fields(具有相关项目研究成果和在相关领域发表代表性论文的记录);

Excellent communication, interpersonal and team work skills including the ability to effectively interact with people at all levels and work effectively in a multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary environment(具有优良的交流、人际间和团队工作技能,包括能够与不同文化和不同环境下的不同层次的人员进行有效沟通的能力);

Strong project management skills(具有很强的项目管理技能);

Well developed analytical and synthesizing skills including the ability to write clear and concise scientific documents(具有很强的分析和综合能力,包括撰写清晰和明了的科学文件);

Experience in developing and writing research proposals(具有发展和撰写研究项目建议报告的经验);

Excellent working knowledge of English and Chinese, both verbal and written(具有良好的中英文工作知识,包括口语和写作);

Strong desire to work in an output driven environment integrating ecological theory with practice; combined field and analytical experience, and a desire to put scientific skills to work to talking agricultural development problems of global significance(具有在以产出为主导的环境中把生态理论与实践相结合的强烈工作愿望);

Age should be no more than 50 years old by 31 March 2014(年龄在2014年3月31日前不超过50岁)。

Desirable qualifications and competencies(优先考虑的条件):

· Experience in implementing research supporting sustainable use of agricultural biodiversity including genetic diversity, agroecosystem services, or related biological topics(具有执行支持农业生物多样性利用研究项目的经验,包括遗传多样性、农业生态系统服务或相关生物学题目);

· Experience working on tropical fruits (banana or mango) based agroecosystems, integration of ecological skills into market based approaches(具有热带果树(香蕉、芒果等)为基础的农业生态系统、把生态学技术与基于市场途径相结合的经验);

· Participation in global fora and networks on the relevant areas(参加过全球性相关领域的论坛和协作网)。

Terms and conditions: This is locally recruited position. Bioversity International offers an attractive salary, while Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences provides social security coverage, housing and other allowances.(聘期和待遇:本职位是国家水平招聘。国际生物多样性中心提供具有吸引力的工资待遇,同时云南农业科学院提供社会保险、住房和其他优惠待遇。

Applications: Please apply the position by sending the application, CVs and details of three referees to w.qi@cgiar.org  and grace_tangting@163.com at the same time(报名方式:申请者请把申请资料(本人申请信、本人简历和三位封推荐人联系信息)通过邮件同时发送下列地址:w.qi@cgiar.org,grace_tangting@163.com )

Liaison persons: TANG Ting,Tel:86-871-65197903;ZHANG Zongwen,Tel:86-10-82108383(联系人:唐婷,电话:86-871-65197903;张宗文,电话:86-10-82108383)

Registration time: March 1, 2014 to March 20, 2014 (报名时间:2014年3月1日至3月20日)

Assessment and employing procedures (考核及聘用程序):

1. Qualification assessment: candidates will be assessed by an open recruitment group consisted of experts of the Bioversity International and YAAS. (资格审查:由国际生物多样性中心和云南省农科院相关专家组成的公开招聘考核小组审查报名人员资格。)

2. Interview: candidates passed the assessment are required to state their favorable conditions, work plans and expected achievements to the recruitment group, and answer questions proposed. (面试考核:资格审查通过人员以答辩的方式对自身具备的条件,拟开展的工作及预期取得的成果进行陈述,并回答考核组专家的提问。)

3. Candidare selection: 1 candidate will be finally selected by passing the assessment and interview. If failed, the position will be vacant. (确定聘用人选:考核组根据参加考试人员的资历条件、答辩情况进行综合评价,并按综合评价成绩的高低确定1名拟聘用人选。如经考核组评价后认为无适合人选,该岗位可以空缺,择时另行招聘。)

4. Physical examination: physical examination by the designated medical institution, The Number 2 People's Hospital of Yunnan Province (Yunnan Provincial Red Cross Hospital) is necessary for the candidate selected. (身体检查:经考核后确定的拟聘人选须到指定的医疗机构(云南省第二人民医院,即云南省红十字会医院)进行体检,并提供体检情况报告。)

5. Publicity: List of candidate will be publicized on the Department of Human Resources and Security of Yunnan Province Website, Yunnan Talent Market Website, Bioversity International Center Website and Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences Website for a period of 7 working days. (公示:拟聘用人选名单将在云南人力资源和社会保障网、云南省人才市场网站、国际生物多样性中心网站、云南省农业科学院网站进行公示,公示期为7个工作日。)

6. Employment: If publicity without objection, employment contract will be signed with the candidate upon the approval of the Human Resources and Social Security Department of Yunnan Province according to relevant provisions. (聘用:公示后无异议的,按有关规定报云南省人社厅审批后,办理聘用手续。聘用后按事业单位人事管理的相关规定签订聘用合同。)

Discipline and supervision (纪律与监督)

1. The staff engaged in the recruitment should execute official withdrawal if he/she has the avoidance relationship with the candidtaes, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the document ( [2002]35 ) issued by the General Office of the State Council. (参与公开招聘考试、考核、体检等组织工作的人员,与应聘报考者存在回避关系的,应当按照国办发[2002]35号文件的有关规定实行公务回避。)

2. The Human Resources and Social Security Department of Yunnan Province will guide, coordinate, supervise and inspect the whole recruitment procedures. (云南省人力资源和社会保障厅将对我院公开招聘工作进行指导、协调和检查、监督,受理群众相关的反映和举报,并按规定的管理权限调查处理。招聘工作做到信息公开、过程公开、结果公开,接受社会及有关部门的监督。)

3. The staff engaged in the recruitment will be punished according to relevant laws and regulations if he/she violates the disciplines. (对违反公开招聘纪律的工作人员,视情节轻重,分别给予调离工作岗位或相应的行政处分;对违反公开招聘纪律或不具备招聘资格、弄虚作假隐瞒真实情况的应聘人员,取消考试资格或聘用资格。对造成恶劣影响且触犯刑律的有关人员,将移送司法机关处理。)

4. Test questions concerned with the recuitment should be strictly managed and kept secret, or the staff concerned will be punished. (严格招聘考试的命题管理,加强试题的安全保密措施,对在考试与招聘工作中泄题或有舞弊行为的人员,一经发现要从严处理。)

5. Supervision telephone number: 0871—65136700 (监督电话:0871—65136700)

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